Jun 16, 2012

The Lovely Blog Award

Caroline who blogs over at Canadian Runner in Exile tagged me and awarded me the Lovely Blog Award so now it's my turn!
These are the Rules:

1. Thank the person who awarded the award: Thank you Caroline!

2. Tell seven random things about yourself that no one knows. 

3. Pass the award on to seven blogger pals.

Here are Seven Random Things About Me:

1. I am addicted to Chapstick and have one with me 24/7!  If I forget it at home, you better believe that we have to stop and buy one or my lips will fall off!

2. I had my first child when I was 16.8 years old. Don't judge! I actually turned out pretty good considering this incident. Although it was not planned, I don't like to call it a mistake because I love my daughter unconditionally and could not imagine my life without her.  It's also fun to get all of the nice compliments like "Is that your sister?" It keeps me feeling young :)

3. I hate seafood! I don't eat anything that comes out of the ocean. I have tried most of it and just do not like the taste or the smell!

4. I am afraid of needles and go into a huge panic when I have to have my blood drawn.  I guess this means that I will never get a tattoo either!

5. I am afraid of the dark and still sleep with a night light.  If I stay at a hotel and I forget my night light, I sleep with the bathroom light on and crack the door.  Weird...I know...

6. I am also afraid of heights! I can fly in a plane and I can be up high as long as I am enclosed and know that I can't fall. If I am up high and don't feel securely enclosed then my palms start to sweat and I get really, really nervous and go into a panic!

7. I always look at a restaurant's Health Department letter grade card before dining there. If the restaurant has anything less than an "A," then I am very hesitant to eat the food.

                       Here are the 7 people I am awarding the Lovely Blog Award to:

2. Michelle Run for Life
3. Megan #runmeganrun
7. Michelle (26.2 Before I Turn 40...Bring It!) Chelles Journeys 

If you have already been tagged, you can ignore me!  HAVE FUN!!


  1. I am addicted to chapstick too, I think they put something in it that makes us addicted. Funny about the seafood.

    Have a great rest of your weekend!

    1. I think you are right about chapstick! Have a great weekend too!

  2. I think your daughter is lucky to have a young mom like you! this must have been hard in the begining..I do admire young moms who make the same choice as you did. And you do look like sisters!!!

    Needles...same here...I have to have blood tests every month..they know me at the clinic....I am the wuss.....

    I also look at the grades at restaurants....in town I have seen some with C !

    1. It was hard in the beginning raising a child at a young age and I am lucky to have my family that helped me out a lot with her. I don't think I could handle the needles every month but I guess if I had to I would. I have to lay down when they take my blood because they have such a hard time finding my veins that they have to poke several times! I can't imagine that some restaurants have a "C" grade. They must not be clean at all!!

  3. what happened to your header?
    I email the gal for the software
    I dont know if she looks at email in the weekend
    but I am hoping to get your code Monday at the latest!

    1. Is something wrong with my header? It looks the same to me. I can't wait to try the new software out. You have me all excited because you have done some great things with it!

  4. I TOTALLY sleep with the bathroom light on and crack the door in hotel rooms because I haaaaaaaate being in a room so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face. I need something to confirm I'M NOT BLIND! =)

    1. How funny! I do agree that hotel rooms are much darker than my bedroom!! I have my poor son needing the night light too!

  5. I'm with you on the whole dark thing! When we moved to Cape Cod I was spooked by how dark it is at our house...no street lights. I'm not a big fan!!!

    1. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that isn't a big fan of the dark! I think I could deal with living in Cape Cod even without street lights!

  6. Allan can't sleep without a light either and it drives me crazy. His bedroom in HS was in the basement with no windows and he called it the cave because it was so dark in there. He says he doesn't want to fall over anything but I think he's scared of the dark!

    1. Too funny!! I think I have both of my kids spooked by the dark too because I sleep with the night light. My son likes his night light and sometimes he even puts the hall light on!
