Nov 29, 2013

Claremont Sunrise Rotary Turkey Trot 5K: 11/28/13

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. to a fully cooked turkey that had been roasting overnight in the oven. The house smelled so good and my dogs were hanging out by the oven hoping to score some turkey! Cooking the turkey ahead of time makes things much easier and allows time for things like early morning Turkey Trots on Thanksgiving morning.
This was a local race which about is about 15 minutes from my house. Parking is easy and close to the start line and the race is reasonably priced. The course is mostly flat but the first two miles are slightly uphill and the last mile is all downhill. I have not been doing any kinds of speedwork for some time so I went into this 5K with zero expectations. I told my son and my other half that I would probably finish in about 25-26 minutes.
I was more excited about meeting up with Caroline and Megan. Caroline and her family were running their first family race so I was looking forward to seeing them cross the finish line. We wished each other well and then we were off. I took it easy for the first two miles and then just let myself glide into the finish. I don't have a finish line photo to share with you because apparently my other half did not see me until it was too late. I waited for Caroline and Megan to finish in hopes of snapping some pictures of them crossing the finish. I finished in 23:35 which was not a PR but I was happy with my time in spite of zero speedwork. I swear I am going to start doing speedwork again since I would really like to run a 5K in under 23 minutes.
After the race I headed to Starbucks to grab my favorite Caramel Brulée Latte and then home to finish my Thanksgiving cooking. I ate way too much but I enjoyed it!

How was your Turkey Trot?


  1. Sounds like a most perfect way to start Thanksgiving...or any day for that matter! Great pace my friend :)

    1. Thank you Lisa! It was a great way to start a guilt-free day of lots of Thanksgiving feasting! Hope you had a great one too :)

  2. Anonymous11/29/2013

    I'm jealous that you are wearing a tank top on Thanksgiving! It was freezing for our Turkey Trot yesterday.

  3. Awesome and speedy time! Congrats!

  4. hey hello Rancho Cucamonga Top Model! you always under estimate your talent my friend
    thank you again for waiting for us and for the great pictures!!!

  5. IT was so great to see you again -- and I better more often now that I'm local!

    I'll work on speedwork with you -- it's the one thing I miss most about my running in Georgia! :)

  6. Congrats on a fast time even without any speedwork! You'll get that sub 23 next time!

  7. Way to go! Great time especially considering your race goals. When I ran with a coach, she would have me go slower to get faster, plus a speed work day each week. This I was my fastest when in marathon shape after running so many long runs with a lower HR. Your sub 23:00 is probably closer than you think!!
