Jul 7, 2012

A Beach Trip for a Birthday!

Yesterday was my other half's birthday so we decided to load up the car and spend the day at the beach! I made sure that we had everything packed and didn't forget the important stuff like the kids and my running shoes! We usually take a small trip away to celebrate our birthdays but since we have the puppies we could not this year.
I went on an easy 5 mile run before I enjoyed some family time. The weather was overcast and about 60 degrees.  It was cool but I still worked up a good sweat.  It was nice to have a change in scenery and I really enjoyed myself! Huntington Beach has a really nice bike path and it was pretty busy with runners, walkers, people riding their bikes and lots of people just walking their dogs. Huntington Beach, also known as Surf City, is home to the Surf City Marathon/Half Marathon which takes place every year on Super Bowl Sunday.  
The beach toys somehow got left behind so the kids played in the water, walked on the pier and they even had the chance the sit in a police car.  Overall they really had a good time and worked up quite an appetite!
My daughter and I spend most of the day laying on the sand and reading magazines.  At some point we fell asleep and I think I forgot to put sunscreen on my tummy and I am now paying for it. I have a big red stripe across my stomach!
Today is also an exciting day as I may have a chance to participate in an event that is on my Running Bucket List

 Have a great weekend!


  1. Great job getting in your run and ouch! Your belly looks like it hurts!

    1. Thanks Jen! Yes my tummy is overcooked now!!

  2. OWIE!!! But glad you had a fun trip! xoxo

    1. It is feeling better today and is not as red! Good luck on your long run tomorrow!

  3. aouchy..this looks painful....
    I love Huntington Beach!

    OK tease....what it is the event on the list?

    1. We good time and running made me think of Surf City Marathon. I hope I am able to run it next year.

  4. Sounds like a fun day - always nice running somewhere different to change it up a bit. Your stomach does not look nice - lots of aloe vera for that bad boy!

  5. Running by the water is amazing! I love the cool breeze. I have been putting some aloe vera gel on it and it has helped! I won't do this again!!

  6. Oh my, take care of that sunburn!! It makes me hurt just looking at it. But overall it sounds like a wonderful trip....the beach...ahh!!

    1. My sunburn is much better this morning! I can't believe I did that! We did have a great time and will be going back soon!
