Jan 16, 2014

Three Things Thursday

1. I am going to see the Eagles next week! I am super excited and have to see them every time they are on tour. I am a big Eagles fan (I know I am old) but I think everyone loves them some "Hotel California." They are inaugurating at the Forum in Los Angeles which has just been renovated and reopened. The top of the Forum has the world's largest spinning vinyl of "Hotel California" which is turning at 17 mph. Pretty cool if you ask me!

2. My son will be turning 12 years old on Saturday! I cannot believe that he will be a teenager next year! He is a big silly boy and always manages to make us laugh. He has a big heart, is very lovable and I am so glad that I was blessed with such a special kid. 
We have some fun stuff planned for the weekend and we are going out to dinner as well. He is pretty excited about this birthday since his friend will be spending the night.

3. LA Marathon training is coming along. The next 6 weeks will be full of long runs so things are starting to get real! This weekend calls for 17 miles and then a big 20 the week after. I am even hoping to squeeze a 22 miler in there. It has been windy here this week which makes my long runs much more challenging than I want them to be. I am hoping that the winds disappear so that I am able to have some decent long runs before this big race.

Any Eagles fans out there?


  1. I like a little Hotel California!! Isn't it crazy how our kids continue to get older but we never do! ;-)

  2. That's pretty neat about the Forum. I can't remember the last time I went to a concert there. I want to say maybe 1994? I'm pretty sure I saw Queensryche there at one time...Good luck on your training!

  3. You always seem so on fire with your running. Good luck with your long runs!
