Jun 13, 2018

Qualifying for the Boston Marathon

Well I finally qualified for the Boston Marathon! I qualified at the Revel Mt. Charleston Marathon on April 28, 2018 with a time of 3:39:52. This puts me in a pretty good spot to get into Boston 2019 since I have a buffer of 15 minutes and 8 seconds.

This was my 12th marathon and although it was not the perfect race, it was definitely a good day. Never in a million years did I think I would run under 3:40. This time around I really worked on believing in myself and staying positive which made such a huge difference.

Registration for the 2019 Boston Marathon is on September 12, 2018 for me. I can hardly wait to experience my very first Boston Marathon which I will run for the experience. I will not set any goals related to my finish time. I just want to take it all in and enjoy my dream marathon without any pressure. This Brunette is finally Boston Bound!


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