Sep 25, 2014

Three Things Thursday

1. I am excited to have reached 1000 for 2014. My goal is to hit 1400 miles but my focus will be more on quality runs for the remainder of the year so come what may.

 2. I finally gave in a decided it was time for my son to get a cell phone. He is in 7th grade this year and swears that he is the only one who does not have a cell phone. I think the decision came when I started getting a bunch of calls from my son from other kids' cell phones when he forgot things for school. He is not the most responsible boy but I think this will be a good time to test him. Not only did he get a new phone but so did I. I took the iPhone 6 from the new line I added and gave him my 5S. Lucky me right?

3. I haven't been posting much on the Weekly Recaps because I really don't have anything exciting to tell you. I have been running with my running club on Saturdays for the past two weeks and that kinds of seems to be the highlight of running for me right now. Hopefully I will have some exciting news to share if I am able to run a race soon. I feel like I jinx myself when I talk about my races too much.


  1. Did hubby join IERC too?

    Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! :)

  2. No he didn't join. He is going to be helping Peter take pictures at the events.
