Oct 6, 2013

Weekly Update (9/30/13 to 10/06/13) and One Week Until #4!

One more week until Marathon #4 and I have not been feeling so great this week. Perfect! I went to the doctor and found out that my blood pressure is lower than normal which explains why I have been feeling kind of light-headed lately. Hopefully this won't stop me from toeing that Start line in a week but I have to do what is best for me. My doctor has suggested that I do not run the full marathon but I will make that decision next week based on how I feel. Fingers crossed!!!


Tuesday: 6.21 Miles on the treadmill @9:39 pace. I needed a break since I had not been feeling so great. 

Wednesday: REST DAY

Thursday REST DAY-Had dinner with my friend and she is doing so much better! I felt so good driving home knowing that she had made some huge progress in the last week!

Friday: 10.52 Miles@9:33 pace. This was my other half's long run so I tagged along and it was a great one. We ran some hills and he was pretty pooped and ended up with sore calves the next day. Sorry Honey but you said you wanted to run some hills!

Saturday: REST DAY

Sunday: 8.30 Miles@8:16 pace. The weather was a perfect 57 degrees and I just ran by feel.

I am planning on running two short and easy runs next week and then it is showtime! The weather looks decent and it better stay that way!

Does tapering drive you crazy?
It makes me feel like I am going to lose all of my training but I know it is part of the plan!


  1. You are going to be awesome!!!! Great running. I used to get crazy with taper, but now I love it. I think I've been in taper for about 2 months now. Just awesome! he he

    1. Thank you Jen. I am hoping for the best! You will be back to yourself really soon....I just know it!

  2. I wish you fast recovery!! I feel the same way when tapering...good luck with the last preparations! You will do great!!
