Sep 8, 2012

I Had A Great Day!

My birthday celebration started at work on Thursday.  My staff bought me the most amazing fruit tart and gift cards to indulge at my favorite places!  They know me so well!
My birthday was all about eating. I went to lunch with my other half at my favorite Thai restaurant after going to the gym. I didn't run but spent an hour on the elliptical because my shin still isn't 100%.
And then there was dinner. We had some amazing BBQ at Lucille's. Gotta love those biscuits with apple butter and strawberry lemonade! My favorites..not to mention the cherry tootsie pops!!
After singing Happy Birthday (I hate that part because it's embarrassing) we opened presents. They gave me way too much stuff but I love it! 
My favorite gift of all was the birthday card that my son made for me.  He knows how much I want to run the Boston Marathon and he thinks that I run so fast! He is such a sweet little boy and is one of my biggest fans.
The remainder of the evening was spent walking off the dinner around the outdoor mall. My son had some fun of his own and ended up doing this kind of stuff!
Thank you for all of the birthday wishes.  I had a great day!



    Happy Belated Birthday Sweet Friend!!

    I am sooooo glad you had an amazing day -- wishing you many more:)

  2. It looks like so much fun!!! Happy birthday!!

    1. Thank You Nancy! Yes I had a great birthday even though I don't really loo forward to getting older :(
