Jun 5, 2013

Happy National Running Day!

Happy National Running Day! I run for so many reasons. I run to relieve stress. I run for the challenge. I run for those who cannot. I run for my Dad who is battling cancer. I run to enjoy the company of the many friends that running has brought into my life. I can't lie though I also run because I love to eat!

When I first starting running, my goal was to lose weight but then it quickly became my passion. I promise that the "eating whatever I want" part of running is not as bad as it sounds. I now make better choices but if I want to have one of those cupcakes that I love, it now comes with less guilt because I know that it is not going to kill me.

Today I am planning on going out for a short run without my Garmin. Today I just want to enjoy the fact that I can run and not have to worry about time or anything else. 



  1. Yay! Happy NRD! I run because it makes me a better person physically and mentally.

    1. Those are great reasons to run! I agree but I guess food come to my mind first! I am pretty bad with the sweet stuff!

  2. I run because it is good for mind body and spirit - it makes me feel great (mostly), and for what you said... The cupcake thang :)

    1. Running makes me feel great too! I can't give up my cupcakes and I am always looking for a reason to reward myself with one!
