Mar 24, 2013

Marathon Training: Week Three

I was amazed at how well my legs handled the 17.5 miler last week. I had no soreness the following day and  it was a real confidence booster for me. I am also continuing to live in my compression socks and I have invested in a few more pairs. I have noticed my co-workers staring at my feet wondering why my socks are marked with "L" and "R." Hydrating after my runs is also important so I make sure I have plenty of this stuff on hand. I am loving the new Watermelon flavor right now! It reminds me of a watermelon flavored Jolly Rancher. I keep the tube in my purse so I always have access to it on the road and at work.
Since recovery has been going really well, I felt that it was safe to add a little more to my long run this week and then I hurt my back. BUMMER! I promised myself that I would back off  if I am not feeling 100% so I am taking some time off and resting per the doctor's orders. I spent all day Friday and Saturday resting and laying in bed with this guy and it seemed to help tremendously. I still feel a little bit of pain and am not 100% so no running until I feel zero pain!

Here is a summary of how Week #3 went:

Run #1: 7.25 Miles @9:22 (Hill Day!) This run was on a local trail that is 3 miles uphill and 3 miles downhill. It is a tough run up the hill for me but I know that it will only make me stronger, right?

Run #2: 8.25 Mile Tempo Run @9:08 . I ran the first 2.5 miles with my other half and the rest on my own. This run had some rolling hills but nothing too serious.

Run #3: FAIL!! My long run did not happen this week due to my back and I was pretty bummed! I woke up feeling much better this morning ready to run but knew that it was not the right thing to do. 

I will remain positive and focused and move things around so that I can stay on track with my training. It was tough not to run because I don't feel the pain when I run. I know that it is for the best and most importantly I don't want to do anything that is going to cost me in the long run!

Just when I was starting to feel a little more confident about this whole marathon thing, this back strain happens. We will see what this week brings and take it one day at a time.

How do you adjust your training plans when something gets in the way?


  1. Hey, that's a great week despite the injury! Hang in there - do what you can and that'll still count! You got this!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Megan. I really need it right now. I feel a lot better thanks to laying around and doing nothing but I know I have to remain positive and do what I can to get through this.

  2. How is your back feeling now?

    1. Much much better but I want to make sure that it is 100% gone before I run again! Thank You for asking :)

  3. Take it easy girl! No set backs. I need to try some of the watermelon Nuun....I love watermelon!

  4. You'll be back on track with your training plan before you know it! I know everything will be fine.
