Mar 22, 2013

Why I Spent Most of My Day in Bed

I am more than bummed to share that I may be having a small setback with my training. I woke up with a pain in the lower left side of my back a few days ago. The pain does not bother me at all when I walk or run but it's there and I am thinking that continuing to running could make it worse.

I decided to make an appointment with my doctor to have it checked and he seems to think I have a lower back/lumbar muscle strain. He asked me to take a few days off from running, rest and ice the area. WHAT? I looked at him like he was crazy and asked him how many days is a few. He knows that I run and we always talk running when I see him. He used to run too so I am pretty sure he gets it when I look at him like he is nuts. I can only think of one way that this happened. Last Sunday I reached over the side of the four foot exercise pen, as seen below, that I keep the puppies in to grab something and I almost fell in. I guess I should have opened the door and entered the correct way! The pain dissipated and then a couple days later it was back and it was much worse.
I was planning my long run for tomorrow but it is on hold for now. I spent most of the day resting and icing my back in hopes that it will go away. The doctor gave me some anti-inflammatory pills but I am trying not to take them since they have a lot of side effects. I am hoping to be able to run on Sunday but if the pain is still there then I will go out of my mind and want to kill myself for missing my long run won't run. I really don't want to take a break but I know it is probably the best thing for me. It sucks that I may have an injury that was not brought on by running. I will take it one day at a time and see what happens. 

Have you ever had a lower back strain? Any advice?


  1. rest up and you will be running pain free in no time!

    1. Resting is a hard thing to do but I will behave and listen to the doctor's orders.

  2. Bummer! Sucks that it isn't running related, but then again that's good, right? Get well soon!

    1. Thank you Christy. It is always something for me. I just want to kick myself sometimes!

  3. Have you tried to roll it on the foam roll
    I have done that and it helps
    I hope you will be better soon

    1. Thank you for the foam rolling idea. I am going to try it and see if it helps. I hope this is short term or I am in big trouble!

  4. Hope you feel better soon! Having to take a break from running when you don't want to is TORTURE!

    1. TORTURE is right! I am going to be smart though even if it means taking a short break. Thank you for the well wishes.

  5. Rest up! I know it's not easy, but allow yourself time to bounce back. Hang in there! :) Thinking positive thoughts!

    1. Thank you Megan. I am taking my own advice that I have been giving you :) It feels much better so I am trying to remain positive before I have a breakdown!

  6. Anonymous3/23/2013

    Rest up, take a few days off, I think you will be glad you did...but I know exactly what you mean when they tell you to take time off..crazy people, don't they know you need your running like air! lol

    1. I know. What the heck is wrong with my doctor? Rest? What does that mean? LOL!

  7. I know it stinks, but you really really don't want to mess with back stuff (I know from direct experience!). The advice above about foam rolling is good. If it's a strain, it should dissipate with rest--just don't let it become chronic.

    Good luck, Sandy!

    1. I agree Terzah. I am going to try to foam roll and see if that helps. The joys of getting old!

  8. Sorry to hear :( I've definitely aggravated my lower back shoveling snow, but nothing that didn't work itself out before I got too worried.

    I wish that for you!

    1. Thank You Lisa. It feels much better today so I hope by tomorrow I ran run.

  9. Oh no! SOrry to hear about the strain! At least you didn't do it running. I hope you're all healed up soon!

    1. Thank you for the well wishes. I have taken some time off and hope that I will be running again soon.
